Robert Armstrong / Ella Bertilsson / Benjamin de Burca / Fiona Chambers / Michelle Considine / Gary Coyle / Nessa Darcy / Vanessa Donoso Lopez / Gabhann Dunne / David Eager-Maher / Johnny Fitzsimons / Brendan Flaherty / Dragana Jurisic / David Keane / Anne Kelly / Arno Kramer / Nevan Lahart / Paraic Leahy / Stephen Loughman / Julia MacConville / Tadhg McSweeney / Emily Mannion / Jonathan Mayhew / Aileen Murphy / Isabel Nolan / Greg O’Brien / Mick O’Dea / Beth O’Halloran / Geraldine O’Neill / Magnhild Opdøl / Liyashona Pedersen / Bennie Reilly / Sheila Rennick / Dermot Seymour / Lucy Sheridan / Soft Blonde Moustache / Marcel Vidal
Kevin Kavanagh, Dublin | 29 July – 28 August 2010
The artists in this show share a common artistic bond. The majority picture the animal world regularly as an integral element of their work. While the myriad of subtexts and undertones don’t offer an over-arching link, much of the work encapsulates ideas of connectivity with animals, bringing up notions of exploitation, fear, humility and the sometimes naïve dream of confusing affinity with meaningful rapport.
Irish Times review by Aidan Dunne
Totally Dublin article